Good News from the Directors desk
Causana Viajes has always believed in sharing profits with conservation projects, has obtained important land donations for local ONG’s, and at our initial years even helped form a local ONG that works protecting, researching and education about the Patagonian coastal orcas. Through our 13 years of existence we have employed as many local people as possible, formed guides and tour leaders. This is one of the principles of Ecotourism, or sustainable tourism we have been able to fulfill.
I am happy to announce that in 2009 we decided that the funds obtained in the year 2008 for this purpose would have a new destination. The idea is EDUCATION. To educate travelers and locals equally by publishing books, pocket fieldguides and even our new blog.
Today I am pleased to announce the book DINOSAURIOS, Relatos y sueños de un Guardafauana by Carlos A. Passera.
The first part of the book is stories about the Passera’s family experiences at Punta Tombo and the years Carlos was a “guardafauna” (Park Ranger) at this immense penguin colony. The second part is about Carlos’s dreams of what he would like to happen to the Nature Reserve of the province of Chubut in the near future. His goal with this book is to create debates and forums of discussion and why not waken some of the dormant authorities. This province was a pioneer in conservation in Latin America in the 1960’s and we wish it would remain that way so Carlos is trying to shake us all and waken us while we read his second part of the book.
The Fundación Patagonia Natural (FPN), The Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina (FVSA), the Instituto de Enseñanaza Superior (IDES) and Causana Viajes recommend the reading of DINOSAURIOS . The author of the book ilustrations is Juan Carlos De Souza, a young voluntier from Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina, and now an Agronomist Engineer.
The title of the book comes from a conversation Carlos’s had with a colleague many years ago while they were on assignment writing an article for a BA magazine. His Friend “the Negro Acosta” said to Carlos:
- “ You are a dinosaur”,
- What? – Carlos asked.
- “Yes, you and the “fat guy of the whales”, and so many others that look for the last pure corners of the Earth, are DINOSAURS. You are condemned to extinction because you dream about an ideal world that languishes.
Practice your Spanish so you friends, who care about nature like we do, can read this book and participate in the debate.
Carol Mackie de Passera