They frequent open fields or bush covered steppe in small flocks that search for fruits, seeds and tender sprouts on trees, bushes and on the ground. They make short low flights while feeding. There always is a bird “on watch” while the others feed, sometimes they feed on corn or wheat causing loses in the crops. Burrowing Parrots travels extensively in search of food. When it is returning to their roosting sites they fly high, and are very noisy.
They form colonies, dig the long burrows in which they nest, some being a meter in length. These burrows are usually found on cliffs of creeks, rivers or sea shores.
Some pairs mate for life. They lay 2-4 white eggs which they incubate for 20 days.
They gather to sit on telephone wires, posts and exposed branches at top of trees.
They have been heavily combated as a pest or captured to be sold as cage birds.