After a few months of doubtful introspection we return to our communication through our blog.
The world wide economic debacle changed many things. Traveler’s ways of choosing their trips too…
We tried hard to adapt our travel offers to the situation, but in many cases that meant less quality.
Disappointed with the general panorama, the politicians point of view (massive tourism in the natural areas), and greedy behavior of colleagues, we took time to re-think our idea of working with tourism.
Our new web site reflects some of that, but essentially we decided to do what we know. Work as we feel we have to work: giving quality, knowledge, and rewarding experiences. Economic facts are important, but for true travelers, the experience is what matters most.
A recent trip to Mongolia –probably the last free land on earth- inspired us to go deeper in our way of designing our travel programs. Beyond the unbeaten path there is a different Argentina. Culture, landscapes, people, colors, smells, nature, wildlife… All is there waiting for the avid true traveler.
Practicing Responsible Tourism is our goal, and our next October trip “Weaving Andean History” an example of the New-Old way of travel for Causana Viajes.
Especially designed by Carol, for our old friend Audrey Benedict from Cloud Ridge Naturalists, the trip emphasizes in the ancient weaving tradition of Argentina. The trip roams from the Northwest to Patagonia, learning the different techniques of each region. The Inca influence at the North and the Tehuelche and Mapuche aborigine practice in the South. The voyage visits little towns, textile cooperatives, some of them way out of the touristy routes, and takes a look at the new mixture between designers who use the ancient techniques for new fashion models.
With your help we want to repeat this travel experience every year to help people of the communities.
This and others trips are waiting for you.
Until our new web site is finished, we update you through our blog.
Carol & Carlos