July 22, 2010


Our visitor

This years regular visitor is a young Peregrine falcon, in this picture we took from our window 10 days ago, you can see it is already molting to adult plumage. Peregrine falcons are sexually mature at the end of their first year of life but they tend to reproduce between the age of two and three. The male courtship flight consists of flying in a series of spirals forming an eight shape and he offers his female prey as a gift. They mate for life and return to the same nest year after year. It nests on shelves on cliffs; lay between 2 and 4 creamy colored eggs. The female incubates the eggs for a month; the male provides the female and chicks with food.

I have watched a peregrine falcon attack and eat a Crested Duck but the one nesting near Puerto Madryn feed on seabirds, such as South American Terns and Rock Doves which abound in the city. This bird likes to perch on the corner of our terrace and we feel our heart stop when we are lucky enough to be at home when it does stop by. We also want to share the beautiful sunset and moons we get to see from our home. Carol & Carlos Passera