April 12, 2011


Darwin, Textiles, Ice and Wildlife

Especially designed custom trips make a “whale” of a season for Carol and me.
Enjoyable, diverse, thematic, intense, and rewarding -not only for us or our travelers-
but for all the people who gave us their services, hospitality and knowledge at every place we visit…
And believe me; some were far beyond of the beaten path.
Enjoy our photographic report.

Weaving Andean Stories (October 15-30, 2010)
Tracing Argentina's Cultural Heritage and Textiles
Learning from mapuche artisans in Gualjaina - Patagonia

Local mapuche artisan

Piedra Parada - Patagonian steppe

A genuine vicuña scarf must pass through a ring Jujuy Northwest Argentina

Landscape at Quebrada de Humahuaca - Jujuy Northwest Argentina

Mapuche designs - Patagonia

Cloud Ridge Director learning textile techniques

  The textile group enjoying pristine landscapes
2011 Tours - OCTOBER 21st to NOVEMBER 4th - Small group departure, limited space still available
NOVEMBER 13th to NOVEMBER 27th Cloud Ridge Naturalist Private Tour

Enjoy and learn with Carol and native artisans from NorthWest and SouthWest Argentina our rich cultural heritage!
(Next -Darwin Footstepes I)

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