April 18, 2011


Darwin, Textiles, Ice and Wildlife (II)

Darwin Footsteps I  (Novembre 1st - November 17th 2010 - Cloud Ridge Naturalist Private Tour )
Patagonian Argentine coast and Tierra del Fuego Island

Darwin's and Fitz Roy first edition of "Voyage of the Beagle" Private Collection from the Museo del Fin del Mundo - Ushuaia -

Puerto Deseado -Sea Lion colony near Isla Pingüino

Santa Cruz River close to it's Lago Argentino origins

Beetle at the patagonian steppe

Choique or Darwin's Rhea

Group listening to a field lecture from Dr. Dee Boersma at Isla Martillo Beagle Channel

Albatros Monument at Cape Horn

Footprints of ancient glaciers - Upsala Glacier

Group sailing betwen islands at Bahia Bustamante - Atlantic Patagonian Coast

The "Clock Stone" Darwin's camp upstream Rio Deseado

Magellanic Penguins at Isla Magdalena, Strait of Magellan

Marine Fossils in the Andes

Commerson's Dolphin at Ria Deseado

Whulaia - Beagle camp at Tierra del Fuego

Beagle Channel

Whulaia - Beagle Channel

Patagonian Grey Fox

Dates 2011 - Darwin Footsteps II Chilean Coast, Torres del Paine N.P. and Chiloe Island 
(December 3rd to December 18th - Private Tour for Cloud Ridge Naturalist)

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